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Do you know the answers to these commonly misunderstood questions about Hinduism?

Contact Salida Satsang to speak with your group or business to clear up these and many more misconceptions about this growing religion.

How many Gods and Goddesses do most Hindus worship?

Most Hindus worship only one God as the supreme divinity from which all others manifest. Different faces of God appeal to different people, so there
are many.

Do Hindus
worship cows?

The cow Goddess, Nandi,
is not considered a supreme
deity, but she is revered as
a life-giving force. Particularly by followers
of Krishna.

What is considered
sinful in Hinduism?

Despite word choices by western Victorian translators, there is no concept of sin in Hinduism that is equivalent to sin in Abrahamic faiths.

Who can practice Hinduism and call themselves a Hindu?

Anyone that has Hindu beliefs can call themselves
a Hindu. Even more, many Hindu practices are open
to non-Hindus.