Let's talk about why
Salida Needs New Books
Most libraries in the western world don’t have original books of Hindu scripture. Instead, they have books that explain and interpret the scriptures. These books can be helpful, but they might make people think that the original books are too hard to understand. That’s not true!
Salida Satsang wants to make more books of Hindu scripture available in our town. We’re going to focus on books that are translations of the original scripture. Whenever possible, we’ll choose books translated by people who grew up reading and writing Sanskrit as well as following Hindu traditions. Commentaries will always come from respected indigenous sources. The three books we've prioritized give a good overview of the three modern sects of Hinduism and accomodate western interests in Hindu disciplines like Yoga.
Bhagavad Gita
'The Song of God'
Our first goal is to make sure the residents of Salida have access to quality translations of ‘The Gita’, usually referred to as the ‘Hindu Bible’.
This book has been inspiring Hindus and non-Hindus alike for thousands of years. The discussions of Arjun and Krishna answer many questions on the mortal condition with the compassion and love that only two dear friends can share.
While the Bhagavad Gita is representative of most Hindu beliefs, it is only truly the ‘Bible’ for worshippers of Vishnu, usually through his incarnation as Krishna.
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
'Patanjali's Rules for Yoga'
You’ll often hear yoga lovers say that ‘yoga is more than just postures’, and they’re right! It’s also more than breathing and meditation.
This ancient tutorial written by the Sage Patanjali describes (at least) two different paths of yogic practice said to lead to enlightenment. He explains the Samkhya view of reality and the workings of the human mind. He details an ethical path for yoga practitioners to follow.
The Samkhya tradition is not practiced in modern times, but it had a huge influence on the development of Shiva worship and Buddhism.
Devi Mahatmayam
'In Praise of the Goddess'
A medieval collection of stories and hymns extolling the virtues and epic feats of Devi, a collective Hindu Goddess that embodies all feminine divinities. She (or one of her forms) are worshipped as a supreme universal deity by Hindu Shaktas, one of the three modern sects of Hinduism.
This book is much closer to the western perception of scriptures. It portrays Devi protecting humanity and all of existence from forces of evil. Her devotees sing her hymns of praise and she responds with assurances of her unending love for each of us.